3 Air Conditioner Failures That Happen Every Summer

No matter how good your air conditioning system is, it is going to end up experiencing problems and faults from time to time. You will therefore need to keep an eye out for these. There are a couple of problems that are quite common and can often be avoided by simply making sure that you …

How to Avoid a Repair Service for Your AC

Everyone wants a cool home during the summer time, and therefore many people will have an AC system available to keep the place fresh. When you install an air conditioning system, you need to make sure that you maintain it regularly. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with it. When installing …

3 Tips to better furnace maintenance

The furnace system of the home is one that should be maintained and inspected on a regular basis. These regular services will ensure that the furnace unit will continue to be warm throughout the winter season. Despite the security and peace of mind that regular maintenance and inspection service can bring a home owner, the …

Repair or Replace? Tips For Your AC Unit

Keeping your family comfortable in the home is easy to do when your AC unit is working as it should. When it is not performing to peak capacity it can be stressful and overwhelming to know what to do. Deciding if you should repair or replace can be difficult. Check out these tips to know …

How To Add Years To Your Heating Unit

Taking care of your heating and cooling units at home is something similar to taking care of your automobile. The more you take care of it the longer it will take care of you. What can you do to add years of life to your heating unit? There are actually several things to do to …

4 Surprising Facts about Heating Systems

The fact is that humankind has been burning wood since it existed to keep warm. Our early predecessors burned wood and founded it as renewable. It is also cost effective and friendly for towards the environment. However, today people are using gas, propane and oil in heating their homes and not wood. Here are 4 …

5 tips to keep your house warm in winter season

When the winter season arrives, everyone wants to stay warm. The home is a place of rest and relaxation and home owners work hard to make sure that their home is warm during the winter season. However, many factors intervene and sometimes the home is not as warm as we would like. Below are a …

Kemnitz – Infographic


Things that you need to be aware on heating system fuel consumption

There are many <a href=”heating systems available on the market today which use fuels such as gas or oil to provide heat in the home. These systems are very efficient but rely on the fuel source to operate. The systems must have the appropriate fuel to be able to function and heat the home. It …

Checklists Before you choose your Heating System

  Heating systems are very important to the home. A heating system can provide you with a warm home during the winter months. The temperatures can drop significantly during the colder months of the year and your home can become quite cold if you do not have a proper functioning system. When installing a new …