Debunking Common Myths About Home Heating Systems

As with most other kinds of technology, heating and air conditioning systems have their fair share of myths and misconceptions. Some are harmless, but others can affect their long-term performance, even lead to a shorter life span. In today’s post, Kemnitz Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. debunks some of these common myths.

Myths About Home Heating Systems

“Closing Vents Saves Energy”

One of the most common myths is that closing vents in unused rooms can help save on energy costs. However, this misconception could not be further from the truth. When you close your heating vents, the excess air is pushed towards other areas of the house and builds excess pressure in the air ducts. Instead of savings, it could increase the strain on your HVAC system’s air handler and result in additional — and avoidable — repair expenses.

“Cranking Up the Thermostat Heats the Home Faster”

You’ve probably heard this one before: setting the thermostat to a higher temperature will heat the home faster. This is simply untrue. Your heating system delivers warm air at a constant rate, regardless of the thermostat setting. Overheating can result from cranking the thermostat too high and lead to unnecessary energy use. Instead, maintain a consistent and comfortable temperature on your thermostat; slow and steady wins the race when it comes to heating and air conditioning.

“You Can Use Space Heaters as a Primary Heat Source”

While space heaters can provide immediate relief from the cold, they are not efficient for cooling larger spaces, like rooms. This is why they’re never used as a primary heating source — central heating systems and heat pumps are far more efficient.

“Leaving the Heating On All Day Is Cost-Effective”

Many believe that leaving the heat on all day, even when the house is unoccupied, saves money by preventing the system from working hard to reheat the home. This is a misconception — while heating systems are plugged in at all times, they’re not supposed to keep pumping heat continuously. This is why thermostats are in place. When the room reaches the desired temperature levels, it stops the heating system from running. Heating is turned back up when the room temperature drops at a certain threshold.

Call Kemnitz for Your Heating Needs!

When in doubt, ask the HVAC experts at Kemnitz Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Give us a call at (949) 453-8500, or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment. We provide heating and AC repair services to communities in Orange County.

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