Common Causes of Air Conditioner Odors

If your air conditioner has a moldy or musty odor coming from it, chances are there’s something wrong with it. Here local heating and air conditioning company Kemnitz shares a look at the common causes of air conditioner odors and how to get rid of them.

4 Fall HVAC Mistakes You Should Avoid

As the days get cooler, your home heating requirements increase, which means you need an HVAC system that you can rely on. In preparation for the coming heating season, heating and air conditioning company Kemnitz discusses some common HVAC mistakes that you should avoid.

4 Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for Whole-Home Humidifiers

Heating season will be here in a matter of months, which means you need to make sure your whole-home humidifier, along with your heating system, are in top shape. Local heating and air conditioning contractor Kemnitz shares a few tips on how to clean and maintain your whole-house humidifier in today’s post.